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Pitching platform for founders

For startup founders who have a story to tell but need help telling it, Scroobious is a pitch education & investor connection platform that helps you get your story into an investor-ready format that resonates.

Scroobious has everything you need in one place with a self-paced pitch program, live 1:1 feedback from a human who understands the investor mindset, and access to our diverse founder community.


As a Scroobious member, you gain access to

The Pitch it Plan Program

PiP is our proven methodology to create a compelling pitch deck that gets you funding. Watch the bite-sized online learning modules as quickly or slowly as you'd like.

1:1 Advising

Founders connect with a PiP trained pitch reviewer to ensure you have a clear narrative with information investors want to see.

Downloadable Resources

Downloadable templates for everything from designing your deck to calculating your total addressable market.

Founders Community

Learn from other diverse founders who are just a few steps ahead of you and are raising rounds of capital.

Investor Connections

We display your pitch material on our investor platform so you can connect with angel investors looking to fund diverse founders.


What our founders are saying

Madilynn Beck

The Better Spot App

Mai Le

Haystack Diagnostics

Jess Lynch



The comprehensive pitching platform for founders

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